Systran: Language translation software
Top 10 Reasons Systran is the Professional's Choice

SYSTRAN Ranked #1
The more research you do, the more you will find that SYSTRAN is the leader in translation software technology. Don't be fooled by phony review sites selling downloadable translators that end up being adware. SYSTRAN is the #1 translation tool used by Professional Translators, Fortune 500 companies, Governments and online application. Click here to read customer reviews.

Patented Translation Technology
Combines Rule Based and Statistical Methods - Systran is the leading innovator in Language translation software technology and has been developing software for almost 30 years. The translation engine uses Intuitive Coding technology developed and patented by Systran. The system combines state-of-the-art natural language processing techniques with deep linguistic resources built up over three decades. The system's modular design is highly efficient and allows easy re-use of system components.

Not a Word by Word Translator
Systran is not a "word for word translation", the power translating engine looks at how a word is used in a sentence to determine the translation results. Language is very complex, filled with linguist rules and many times Systran avoids the problems encountered with translating word for word; by recognizing tens of thousands of phrases.

Largest Dictionary - Million words and phrases
Largest Dictionary, Million words and phrases - With the largest dictionary filled with millions of words and phrases it provides the software with a huge resource. Now with the latest version, we are now reaching millions of alternate meanings that are displayed along side every translation. Millions of words and phrases have also been added to 21 terminology-specificictionaries for context-sensitive translations.

Seamless Translation with Microsoft Office Applications
Translation with Microsoft Office Applications - SYSTRAN Professional line of products include plug-ins that seamlessly translate your files from Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Internet Explorer; and hold the original formatting!

Build your Own Customer Specific Dictionaries
You can increase the accuracy and tailor the software to you own needs by adding terms and translation phrases to your own dictionary. Also build a list of words you do not want translated, for example company specific terminology. Use the Premium version and it can create powerful dictionaries automatically!

Easy to Use
Learning any new software can seem daunting but Systran's interface makes it easy. Work directly from Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook and Internet Explorer without learning a new program. Systran's Translation Project Manager allows you to view your orginal document side by side with the translated document for easy proofing.

Dictionary Import / Export
Dictionary Manager even allows you to import and export Text and Excel file-formatted glossaries, and create your own custom specific dictionaries to tailor the software to your specific needs.

Speed of Translation
Systran's system is fast and efficient translating 10,000 words per minute with a Pentium processor.

Translation Project Manager
By working directly in Systran you can take advantage of advanced features such as side-by-side comparison and alignment of the original document next to the translation, linguistic customization options, and the display of alternate meanings for words.

Learn more about what you should look for when buying Translation Software
By working directly in Systran you can take advantage of advanced features such as side-by-side comparison and alignment of the original document next to the translation, linguistic customization options, and the display of alternate meanings for words.